Digital Transgender Archive
- Christie Lee Littleton1
- Christine Hochberg1
- Chrysalis1
- Confessions of a Gender Defender1
- Coping with Crossdressing1
- Counseling in Wonderland: A Guide for You and Your Transgendered Client1
- Cross-Talk1
- Dan Quayle1
- David Jessel1
- Diane Drake1
- Donald E. Tarver1
- EqualityMaine1
- Feminizing Hormonal Therapy for the Transgendered1
- Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr.1
- Full Personality Expression (F.P.E.)1
- Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD)1
- Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us1
- Gender Outside the Box1
- Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law1
- Gerald P. Mallon1