Search Results
Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New ZealandThe Alexander Turnbull Library, founded in 1918 in Wellington, New Zealand, holds the archives and special collections for Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, the National Library of New Zealand. The Alexander Turnbull Library preserves, protects, develops, and makes collections accessible in perpetuity and in a manner consistent with their status as documentary heritage and taonga for all New Zealanders. |
American Antiquarian SocietyFounded in 1812 by Revolutionary War patriot and printer Isaiah Thomas, the American Antiquarian Society is both a learned society and a major independent research library. The AAS library today houses the largest and most accessible collection of books, pamphlets, broadsides, newspapers, periodicals, music, and graphic arts material printed through 1876 in what is now the United States, as well as manuscripts and a substantial collection of secondary texts, bibliographies, and digital resources and reference works related to all aspects of American history and culture before the twentieth century. AAS was presented with the 2013 National Humanities Medal by President Obama in a ceremony at the White House. |
American Archive of Public BroadcastingThe American Archive of Public Broadcasting (AAPB) is a collaboration between the WGBH Educational Foundation and the Library of Congress to coordinate a national effort to preserve at-risk public media before its content is lost to posterity and provide a central web portal for access to the unique programming that public stations have aired over the past 60 years. To date, over 40,000 hours of television and radio programming contributed by more than 100 public media organizations and archives across the United States have been digitized for long-term preservation and access. The entire collection is available on location at WGBH and the Library of Congress, and more than 18,000 programs are available online at |
Anne T. Kent California Room, Marin County Free LibraryThe Anne T. Kent California Room is an archive dedicated to collecting and preserving information on local, regional, and state history with a strong emphasis on the history and culture of Marin County. Resources include photographs, oral histories, biography files, maps, books, directories, voter registers, local newspaper clippings, documents and ephemera. We are currently in the process of digitizing our large collection of primary source materials. |
Archivo Histórico Nacional, Archivos Estatales EspañaThe National Historical Archive was originally constituted as the "historical archive of the Kingdom of Spain." It was created to collect the documentation produced by the departments of the State Administration that no longer have administrative value but which have historical value. The National Historical Archive is the institution that preserves and safeguards the documentation produced and received by the departments that make up the administrative apparatus of the Spanish State since the Modern Age, as well as other documentary collections of public and private institutions since the Middle Ages. |
Arizona Queer ArchivesThe Arizona Queer Archives is the state of Arizona’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex (LGBTQI) collecting archives of the Institute for LGBT Studies at the University of Arizona. As a community-focused archives, the Arizona Queer Archives, AQA, uses and pulls the word queer into the way we will go about collecting, preserving, and making AQA collections accessible as we work closely with diverse LGBTQI communities throughout Arizona to develop an archives that is for, by, and about us. We want an archives that is flexible and playful and one that is a living and breathing story of our lives. |
The ArQuivesThe ArQuives is the largest independent LGBTQ+ archives in the world. With a focus on Canadian content, The ArQuives acquires, preserves and provides public access to information and archival materials in any medium. By collecting and caring for important historical records, personal papers, unpublished documents, publications, audio-visual material, works of art, photographs, posters, and other artifacts, The ArQuives is a trusted guardian of LGBTQ+ histories now and for generations to come. |
Art Gallery of OntarioLocated in Toronto, the Art Gallery of Ontario’s photography collection spans the history of the medium—both the acknowledged canon of photography, as well as the broader scope of the medium and the key role it has played in our visual culture. |
Bancroft Library, University of California at BerkeleyThe Bancroft Library is the primary special collections library at the University of California, Berkeley. One of the largest and most heavily used libraries of manuscripts, rare books, and unique materials in the United States, Bancroft supports major research and instructional activities and plays a leading role in the development of the University's research collections. |
British PathéConsidered to be the finest newsreel archive in the world, British Pathé is a treasure trove of 220,000 films unrivalled in their historical and cultural significance. Spanning the years from 1896 to 1984, the collection includes footage from around the globe of major events, famous faces, fashion trends, travel, science and culture. It is an invaluable resource for broadcasters, documentary producers and archive researchers worldwide. |
Brown University LibraryThe John Hay Library at Brown University collects and preserves rare and unique materials that promote interdisciplinary research, teaching, and learning and inspire experimentation and creativity. Our collections support free and open inquiry, and we are committed to providing equitable access to our collections, exhibitions, and programming to a global community of students, scholars, and the public. The Library's Global Lavender Voices collections celebrate the lived experiences, contributions, accomplishments, and culture of LGBTQIA+ communities, both in the United States and internationally. |
California State LibraryEstablished in 1850, the California State Library is the oldest continuously operated public library in the American West and is the central reference and research library for state government and the Legislature. The library collection includes more than 4 million titles, 6,000 maps, and 250,000 photographs. It has an extensive collection of documents from and about the state’s rich history and is one of the major genealogical reference libraries on the West Coast. |
California State University, NorthridgeSpecial Collections & Archives in the Oviatt Library is the home of CSUN's rare book and periodical collections, as well as its archival and manuscript collections. Archival and manuscript collections can consist of many different kinds of materials, including correspondence, diaries, maps, university records, organizational records, photographs, and audio or video recordings. |
Center for the History of Medicine (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine)Enabling the history of medicine and public health to inform healthcare, the health sciences, and the societies in which they are embedded. |
Cork LGBT ArchiveThe Cork LGBT Archive aims to gather, preserve, digitise, share and display information in relation to the history of the LGBT communities in Cork, Ireland. Cork has a long and rich history of LGBT activism, community formation and development. Since at least the 1970s, LGBT people in Cork have forged communities, established organisations, set up services and reached out to others. As well as campaigning for LGBT rights and providing services and supports to LGBT people, the LGBT community has played a vital role in movements for social justice and political change in Cork. Yet this community, like many other LGBT communities worldwide, has been largely invisible in historical accounts and its contribution to social and political change and developments largely unacknowledged. The Digital Archive has been developed by Orla Egan, Cork LGBT activist, PhD student in Digital Arts and Humanities in UCC and author of Queer Republic of Cork book. |
Country QueersCountry Queers is a multi-media oral history project documenting the diverse experiences of rural, small town, and country LGBTQI folks in the U.S.A through audio recordings, transcriptions, and photographs. They are gathering stories from every state in the U.S. in order to document how experiences of country queerness are similar, and how they differ based on race, class, age, ability, gender identity, immigration status and other parts of our identities. |
Digital Transgender ArchiveThis collection-within-a-collection comprises materials that were contributed directly to the project by individuals who are not affiliated with any of our collaborators. It also includes items from existing online collections. |
Duke UniversityThe David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University is a place of exploration and discovery. For more than 100 hundred years, scholars have used these deep collections to write new histories, explore significant lives, study ecological change, trace the evolution of texts, understand cultural shifts and create new art and literature. As part of our collections documenting the history of gender and sexuality, the Rubenstein Library collects rare print and manuscript material documenting LGBTQ history and culture, primarily in the American South in the 20th century, with a particular emphasis on literature, political activism and publishing. |
E.H. Butler Library, Buffalo StateThe Archives & Special Collection Department of SUNY Buffalo State was established in 1975 and houses a growing vibrant collection of primary and secondary source materials available to faculty, students, and the public. The collections include various college publications, scrapbooks, speeches, memorabilia, photographs, college annual reports, budgets, and statistics starting in 1860 and stretching to the present. In addition, the E.H. Butler Library holds scores of unique collections of local importance, regional interest, and national significance. |
Emerson College Archives and Special CollectionsECASC is focused on participating in a range of services and activities that will promote creativity, academic excellence, diversity, and lifelong learning within the Emerson community. ECASC is also dedicated to assisting outside researchers who wish to learn more about the history of the College and subjects encompassed within its curriculum. |
Faulkner Morgan ArchiveThe Faulkner Morgan Archive collects, preserves, and promotes the LGBTQ history of Kentucky. The archive consists of approximately 15,000 individual items and more than 250 hours of recorded interviews. The archive is particularly strong in visual images and represents numerous important individuals and institutions in the LGBTQ history of Kentucky. Artist Robert Morgan and historian Dr. Jonathan Coleman curate the collection with the understanding that it be preserved and passed on, intact, to future generations. |
Frameline DistributionEstablished in 1981, Frameline Distribution is the only program of its kind dedicated solely to the distribution, exhibition, and promotion of LGBTQ+ film and video. Frameline Distribution manages an international collection of over 300 experimental, animation, documentary, feature-length, and short films available for sale, rental, broadcast, and public exhibition. Frameline hosts the San Francisco International LGBTQ+ Film Festival which has been a home for the work of such renowned directors as Gus Van Sant, Marlon Riggs, Cheryl Dunye, and Jan Oxenberg, and remains the longest-running, largest, and most prestigious film festival for queer cinema in the world. |
GALA Queer ArchiveThe GALA Queer Archive is a non-profit archive based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Founded in 1997, GALA aims to act as a catalyst for the production, preservation and dissemination of information about the history, culture and contemporary experiences of LGBTIQ people in South Africa, and beyond. In addition to the archive program, GALA is also involved with research, youth work, public education programs, book publishing, film screenings, exhibitions, conferences and dialogues. We use these methods and events to bring the archive to the public, as well as to build the archive through public contributions and engagement. |
GLBT Historical SocietyThe archives of the GLBT Historical Society contain approximately 800 collections of personal papers, photographs, audiovisual recordings, and organizational records. These collections include unpublished material such as letters, diaries and scrapbooks documenting the lives of both average people and community leaders. They also include the records of many community organizations, businesses and political campaigns. The archives hold over 70 linear feet of ephemera; 5,000 periodical titles; tens of thousands of photographs; approximately 1,000 t-shirts; thousands of posters; more than 500 oral histories; approximately 1,000 hours of recorded sound; and approximately 1,000 hours of film and video. The archives also has extensive holdings of historic textiles, fine and graphic arts, and artifacts. |
Grupo DignidadeGrupo Dignidade is a Brazilian nonprofit organization. It was founded in 1992 in Curitiba and became known in Paraná as being the first group organized in the state to promote the citizenship of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI +) people. Grupo Dignidade defends and promotes free sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, as well as the human rights and citizenship of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI +) people. |
Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at AustinThe Ransom Center is an internationally renowned humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin. Its extensive collections provide unique insight into the creative process of writers and artists, deepening our understanding and appreciation of literature, photography, film, art, and the performing arts. Visitors engage with the Center's collections through research and study, exhibitions, publications, and a rich variety of program offerings including readings, talks, symposia, and film screenings. |
The History ProjectThe History Project is the only organization focused exclusively on documenting and preserving the history of New England’s LGBTQ communities and sharing that history with LGBTQ individuals, organizations, allies, and the public. |
Houghton Library, Harvard UniversityHoughton Library is home to Harvard’s rare books and manuscripts, literary and performing arts archives, and more: a destination for students, scholars, and the public. |
House of History"At House of History, we’re all coming together for the greater good of getting the stories of Black LGBTQ people out and keeping their legacies alive." |
Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell UniversityThe Human Sexuality Collection seeks to preserve and make accessible primary sources that document historical shifts in the social construction of sexuality, with a focus on U.S. lesbian and gay history and the politics of pornography. |
Independent VoicesIndependent Voices, produced by Reveal Digital, is a digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. These periodicals were produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century. |
James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center, San Francisco Public LibraryThe James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center (the Center) is devoted to collecting, preserving, and providing access to material on all aspects of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender experience. The collection is national and international in scope though its primary focus is Northern California. Materials from the LGBTQIA Center's archival and manuscript collections, as well as pulp paperbacks, and video and audio recordings, indicated in our catalog by the location code SFH/GLC, can be requested at the San Francisco History Center Reference Desk on the 6th floor. Collections on deposit from the GLBT Historical Society are indicated (GLBTHS collection). For more information about archival and manuscript materials call 415-557-4567. Due to the rare and fragile nature of many of the materials, the San Francisco History Center has specific procedures to ensure the care of these items. |
JD Doyle ArchivesThe mission of JD Doyle Archives is to gather, digitize and share LGBT music and Houston/Texas LGBT history. The work began in 2000 with the radio program Queer Music Heritage, which ran until 2015. The companion website,, includes playlists and showcases information on many other areas, archiving all as a resource. In recent years additional sites have been launched to house Houston history and Texas obituaries, both ever expanding, with a common goal of making our history accessible. |
Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection, University of MinnesotaThe Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies at the University of Minnesota houses over 3,000 linear feet of material about the GLBT experience. It includes published material, organizational records, personal manuscripts, informational files, films, music, textiles, posters, and other items. The collection is international in scope and has materials in approximately 58 languages. |
John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives, William Way LGBT Community CenterThe John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives is Philadelphia's most extensive collection of personal papers, organizations records, periodicals, audiovisual material, and ephemera documenting the rich history of our LGBTQ community. The mission of the Archives is to collect, describe, interpret, and provide access to publications, personal papers, organizations and business records, audiovisual materials, and ephemera created by, dealing with, or of special interest to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals. |
The Jose Gutierrez ArchivesThe Jose Gutierrez Archives is dedicated to collect, preserve and educate about the history and culture of the Latinx LGBTQ community. |
Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of MichiganIn the 1930s, the U-M Library’s Joseph A. Labadie Collection — the oldest publicly accessible archive of its kind in America — was called “probably the most complete record of the social unrest of our times that has ever been assembled." Since then, the collection has only grown, expanding from its original focus on anarchism to also encompass antheism and free thought, anti-colonialist movements, anti-war and pacifist movements, civil liberties and civil rights, labor and workers' rights, LGBTQ movements, prisons and prisoners, New Left, Spanish Civil War, youth and student protest, and many more. |
Leather Archives & MuseumThe Leather Archives & Museum is dedicated to the compilation, preservation, and maintenance of leather, kink, and fetish lifestyles. Our museum galleries serve to present educational and historical material to an adult audience. Our reading library and archive serve to support researchers and community members in accessing materials and documentation relevant to the history and culture of leather. |
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community CenterThe LGBT Community Center National History Archive serves to preserve the history of our community and its rich heritage. Founded in 1990 by volunteer archivist Rich Wandel, the archive provides a look into the lives and experiences of LGBT people throughout the years. |
LGBTQ+ Collection, University of Southern Maine LibrariesUniversity of Southern Maine's Special Collections administers the Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine which includes the LGBTQ+ Collection. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ Collection Southern Maine collects and preserves the history of Maine’s LGBTQ+ communities. We collect the papers of individuals and the records of organizations active in these communities. The collection includes all forms of material culture from printed books, pamphlets, posters, to manuscripts, diaries, to objects, buttons, T-shirts, banners, games, a wide variety of ephemera, to photographs and audiovisual material. Following professional standards, we carefully guard the privacy of individuals involved in the collections. |
LGBTQ Religious Archives NetworkThe LGBTQ Religious Archives Network (LGBT-RAN) is an innovative venture in preserving history and encouraging scholarly study of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) religious movements around the world. LGBTQ-RAN can best be understood as a "virtual" archive. It is not a physical repository that collects and preserves papers and records. Instead, LGBTQ-RAN is a resource center that enables the preservation of history and makes historical information easily accessible through this web site. |
London Metropolitan ArchivesThe London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) are home to an extraordinary range of documents, images, maps, films and books about London. The LMA is free to use and open to everyone. Whether you’re tracing your family history or researching the history of your neighbourhood, if you’re interested in London or Londoners, LMA is the place to visit. |
Los Angeles Public LibraryThe Los Angeles Public Library provides free and easy access to information, ideas, books and technology that enrich, educate and empower every individual in Los Angeles' diverse communities. |
Louise Lawrence Transgender ArchiveThe goal of the Louise Lawrence Transgender Archive (LLTA) is to increase the understanding of transgender people and encourage new scholarship by making transgender historical materials available to students, scholars and the public. The archive is named in honor of Northern California transgender pioneer Louise Lawrence, who began living full-time as a woman in 1942, first in the Berkeley, CA, then San Francisco. She, along with Virginia Prince and others, published the first incarnation of Transvestia in 1952. |
Louisiana Trans Oral History ProjectThe Louisiana Trans Oral History Project gathers, preserves, and promotes the stories of Louisiana's trans and gender nonconforming communities. We were founded in 2020 and are a community-run and community-focused initiative to reinvest in our community and struggle for a brighter future for us all. |
M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University at AlbanyThe principal purpose of The M. E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives is to collect, preserve, provide access to, exhibit, and encourage use of the University Libraries' unique manuscript and archival materials, the official records of the University, rare books, and printed materials. These materials are acquired by gift or purchase and serve the current and future research interests of faculty, students, and others affiliated with the University as well as other researchers from the region and beyond. |
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaTe Papa is Aotearoa New Zealand’s national museum, the successor to an institution founded in 1865. It holds material covering the cultural, social and natural history of Aotearoa and the Pacific. It works to uphold the mana of our cultures and communities, strengthen New Zealanders’ sense of belonging and identity, and help us all care for our environment. |
Museum of TransologyThe Museum of Transology (MoT) is the most significant collection of material culture surrounding trans, non-binary and intersex lives in the world. The scope of the collection includes artefacts, interpretation tags, exhibition set pieces, and digital surrogates of the Museum of Transology, including: hormone medications, needles, and boxes; clothing, shoes and handbags; gender affirming body accessories, including chest binders and prosthetics; items from hospitals, including clothing and miscellaneous artefacts; hair and beauty products, including make-up, personal hygiene products and hair accessories; books, poetry and creative writing; paper tags with handwritten messages; and correspondence regarding gender reassignment procedures. All items held at Bishopsgate Institute. |
New York Public LibraryThe New York Public Library has been an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 125 years. Founded in 1895, NYPL is the nation’s largest public library system, featuring 92 locations across the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island, including our world-renowned research centers at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. |
Northeastern University Archives and Special CollectionsThe Archives and Special Collections Department is part of the Northeastern University Libraries. Its goal is to document the teaching, research, community service, and administrative functions of the University and to document student life. This goal is accomplished by collecting the historically significant records of the University. The Department also preserves and makes available the records of private, non-profit, community-based organizations that document diverse and under-documented populations. |
NYC Trans Oral History ProjectThe NYC Trans Oral History Project is a collective, community archive working to document transgender resistance and resilience in New York City. They work to confront the erasure of trans lives and to record diverse histories of gender as intersecting with race and racism, poverty, dis/ability, aging, housing migration, sexism, and the AIDS crisis. It was organized in collaboration with the New York Public Library Community Oral History Project. |
ONE Archives at the USC LibrariesONE Archives at the USC Libraries is the largest repository of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) materials in the world. Founded in 1952, ONE Archives currently houses over two million archival items including periodicals, books, film, video and audio recordings, photographs, artworks, organizational records, and personal papers. ONE Archives has been a part of the University of Southern California Libraries since 2010. |
Ottawa Trans LibraryThe Ottawa Trans Library (OTL) is an independent, non-profit library. With a focus on transgender and non-binary content, OTL acquires and provides public access to all forms of information created by transgender people for everyone in the community. OTL supports many local queer and questioning individuals and holds regular exhibits to display the art of trans people and workshops to share the history of the trans community in and around the greater Ottawa area. |
OUTWORDSOUTWORDS collects, archives and shares the experience and wisdom of LGBTQ+ pioneers, to serve as a model for enduring social change in the United States and beyond. |
Peabody Essex MuseumThe Phillips Library at the Peabody Essex Museum holds a significant proportion of material that is unique or rare. Its collections include manuscripts, books, pamphlets, newspapers, photographs, maps, broadsides, and ephemera–a combination of primary and secondary sources that makes the library a rich and productive location for research and discovery. Its scope is global and nearly encyclopedic, and its holdings reflect the museum’s collections of art in all media and across all curatorial departments, on top of its own traditional areas of strength in subjects such as Essex County history. |
Preus MuseumThe Preus Museum library is a public research library for photography located in Horten, Norway. The collection consists of approximately 30,000 volumes and has a comprehensive gathering of periodicals with approximately 1,000 titles. Included in the library are works by and about Norwegian photographers and pictorial works of national and local historical interest. |
| is the largest online audio repository of LGBTI Rainbow+ histories from Aotearoa New Zealand. There are over 900 audio recordings of events and life histories freely available to a worldwide audience. The earliest audio on the website dates from 1967, and the latest from this year. Established by producer Gareth Watkins in 2009, the website has three aims: to capture a sense of LGBTI Rainbow+ lives in New Zealand through audio interviews and event recordings, to make those recordings easily accessible to the public, and to help save rainbow heritage by making the collection available to archives in the future. |
Princeton University LibraryPrinceton University Library is one of the world's leading research libraries, serving a diverse community of 5,200 undergraduates, 2,700 graduate students, 1,200 faculty members, and many visiting scholars. Its holdings include more than 7 million printed volumes, 5 million manuscripts, 2 million non-print items, and extensive collections of digital text, data, and images. |
Queer Digital History ProjectThe Queer Digital History Project (QDHP) is an ongoing effort to document pre-2010 LGBTQ digital spaces online. Currently, the QDHP houses collections ranging from a queer community catalog and associated archive of born-digital primary documents to interactive maps of early transgender BBS network TGNet. |
Queer Zine Archive ProjectThe Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP) was first launched in November 2003 in an effort to preserve queer zines and make them available to other queers, researchers, historians, punks, and anyone else who has an interest in DIY publishing and underground queer communities. |
RI LGBTQ+ Community Archives at Providence Public LibraryRI LGBTQ+ Community Archive at PPL is a community archives initiative to collect and provide access to the current and past stories of LGBTQ+ people in Rhode Island. We are focused on ensuring the preservation of materials chronicling the social, cultural & political history of RI LGBTQ+ people and organizations. We strive to develop collections & resources that reflect the full range of the lived experiences of Rhode Island's LGBTQ+ communities. We especially aim to reflect key perspectives on the issues and experiences of those who have been historically marginalized in mainstream LGBTQ+ movements including Black, Indigenous, Latinx, disabled, trans and gender non-binary, economically disenfranchised, and otherwise marginalized people. |
Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard UniversityThe Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America documents the lives of women of the past and present for the future and furthers the Radcliffe Institute's commitment to women, gender, and society. |
Sexual Minorities ArchivesThe Sexual Minorities Archives (SMA) collects, preserves, protects, and makes accessible the literature, history, and art of all sexual and gender minorities of all races and ethnicities, including transsexuals, transgender persons, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, intersex persons, queers, gender-queers, cross-dressers, BDSM/leather folk, asexuals, polyamorists, celibates, and other emerging sexual minority groups. The SMA is national in scope and is one of the oldest and largest LGBTQI archives in the United States. The SMA seeks to inform, educate, and inspire the LGBTQI community and our allies to understand the unique stories and experiences associated with our lives and our struggles for equality. |
Sexual Representation Collection, Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity StudiesThe Sexual Representation Collection (SRC) is Canada’s largest university-based collection of pornography. In addition, it includes a significant collection of materials related to the social and legal regulation of sexual representations in Canada. The collection contains roughly 2,000 VHS videocassettes and DVDs, 1,000 magazines, 500 pulp novels, hundreds of 35mm slides, floppy discs, 8mm film, 8mm cassette tapes, and 267 linear feet of personal papers, legal documents, reports, art, kink objects, and unique ephemera dating from the 1950s to the present. SRC is administered by the Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto. The SRC aids in the recovery and preservation of pornography and materials related to their social and legal regulation, production, circulation, and consumption. Its mission is to acquire, preserve, organize, and give public access to information and materials in any medium about sexual representation, with particular attention paid to feminist, queer, and kink material. |
Sherman Grinberg Film LibraryThe Sherman Grinberg Film Library, located in Los Angeles, California, is the world’s oldest and biggest privately held film archive with over 40 moving image libraries, serving Hollywood and the world film community for more than 75 years. The Film Library has more than 20 million feet of classic 35mm B&W film with content dating mostly from 1895 to 1957, just before the television era began. The archive includes the historic Paramount Newsreels, first called Eyes of the World (silent era) and later Eyes and Ears of the World (the “talkies”). |
Skeivt arkivSkeivt arkiv is the national archive and knowledge center for queer history in Norway. Skeivt arkiv is located at the Special Collections at the University Library in Bergen, and is the leading institution of its kind in Scandinavia. Skeivt arkiv has a broad focus, with materials (printed as well as unique) representing all genders and sexualities, spanning the entire 20th century. Additionally, Skeivt arkiv works to promote and conduct research on the history of sexuality, and is connected to some of the leading Norwegian academics in this field. |
Southwest Virginia LGBTQ+ History ProjectWe are a community-based history initiative committed to researching and telling the stories of LGBTQ+ individuals and organizations in our region. |
Stanford University Special CollectionsThe holdings of the Special Collections and University Archives at Stanford University are comprised of more than 260,000 rare, fine press, and artists’ books, and some 59 million pages of unpublished manuscripts and photographs. It currently exceeds some 60,000 linear feet of manuscript/archival material and nearly 300,000 books (antiquarian and contemporary). |
Texas A&M UniversityThe Cushing Memorial Library & Archives houses rare books, special collections, manuscripts and the Texas A&M University Archives. The historic Reading Room is open to all for research and studying. |
![]() Transas CityTransas City was created on June 10, 2013, to serve as a research and fact-based site to benefit transgender and transsexual persons and their families, friends, allies, and supporters. |
Transgender Archives, University of VictoriaThe University of Victoria has committed itself to the preservation of the history of pioneering activists, community leaders, and researchers who have contributed to the betterment of transgender people. The UVic Archives have been actively acquiring documents, rare publications, and memorabilia of persons and organizations associated with transgender activism since 2007. The collection began with the generous donation of the Rikki Swin Institute collection. It has been enhanced by other significant donations including the personal papers of Reed Erickson, the University of Ulster TGA collection, and the records of Zenith Foundation, among others. Donations are being co-ordinated by Founder and Academic Director Dr. Aaron Devor and managed by University Archivist Lara Wilson. The Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria is accessible to the public, and available to faculty, students, and scholars for teaching and research. |
Transgender Oral History ProjectNo longer an active project, the Transgender Oral History Project was a community-driven effort to collect and share a diverse range of stories from within the transgender and gender variant communities. We accomplished this by promoting grassroots media projects, documenting trans people’s experiences, maintaining a publicly accessible digital archive, and teaching media production skills. The TOHP had almost 300 print materials that are now available on the DTA and the Internet Archive. These materials have since been donated to the University of Minnesota's Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies ( The TOHP shifted focus to a new project called "America in Transition," a documentary series and community engagement campaign that explores community, family, and social issues for trans people of color across the United States. |
UCLA Film and Television ArchiveUCLA Film & Television Archive is the second largest moving image archive in the United States after the Library of Congress, and the world’s largest university-based media archive. They are committed to the collection, restoration and exhibition of moving images. The Archive's public programs can be seen at the Billy Wilder Theater in Westwood Village, Los Angeles. Many items in the Archive's collections can be accessed for research by appointment through the Archive Research & Study Center at UCLA. |
UNC Charlotte Atkins Library, Special Collections and University ArchivesJ. Murrey Atkins Library Special Collections and University Archives advances scholarship, research, and teaching at UNC Charlotte by building, preserving, and providing access to collections of unique and distinctive value. We work collaboratively with diverse internal and external constituencies to document, preserve, and share the history and culture of the University and the Charlotte region for UNC Charlotte affiliates and for members of the broader community. |
University at Buffalo, The State University of New YorkThe University Archives of the University at Buffalo houses historically valuable material related to the institution and the surrounding Western New York area, with archival collections spanning over 16,000 linear feet. The collections in the Archives are openly available to all UB students, faculty and staff, along with community and global researchers. In addition to records and papers of the University at Buffalo, the University Archives houses over 250 historical collections on regional and national organizations, topics, events, and individuals of interest. Other research strengths include architecture and design, African American history, environment and sustainability, women’s history, and Buffalo history generally. Collections reflect and support faculty research, provide students with research-grounded educational experiences, and deepen engagement with the regional community. |
University of Pittsburgh Library System, Archives & Special CollectionsArchives & Special Collections within the University of Pittsburgh Library System is one of the largest archival, manuscript and rare book repositories in Pittsburgh. While the topics of our collections mostly focus on people, places, and histories of Western Pennsylvania, they also encompass subjects of national and international importance. You will find historic documents, photographs, maps, rare books, newspapers, audio and video recordings, and much more. |
University of South FloridaThe University of South Florida Libraries Special Collections houses rare, fragile, and unique materials ranging from a 4,000 year old Sumerian tablet to early printed books, photographs and prints, sheet music, ephemera, and history and literature collections. |
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)UTSA Special Collections builds, preserves, and provides access to distinctive archival, photographic, and printed materials, with a particular commitment to documenting the diverse histories and development of our region. We embrace the changing digital landscape by actively exploring new ways to enhance access to our collections. We support the university's ascent to premier research university status by building nationally recognized collections that inspire new knowledge, serving researchers at UTSA and from around the world. |
University of Waterloo Library, Special Collections & ArchivesFounded in 1976, Special Collections & Archives (SCA) acquires and makes available rare and distinctive collections that support research, teaching and learning at the University of Waterloo. The department holds early editions and rare books, collections of archives and manuscripts, and other material that requires special care and handling because of its early publication date, provenance, physical condition, aesthetic value, or unusual format. Collection strengths include Gender, Sexuality, and Social Justice, Local History, Women’s Studies, and the history of the University of Waterloo. |
The University of WinnipegLocated in the heart of Treaty 1 Territory and the traditional lands of the Metis Nation, the University of Winnipeg is a diverse, multicultural urban campus committed to academic excellence, community engagement, and social and environmental sustainability. The University of Winnipeg Archives’ collection mandate aligns with this mission statement in its efforts to document the history of the University of Winnipeg, the local community, as well as support the research interests of faculty and staff, including reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, social justice, and human rights. |
University of Wisconsin, MilwaukeeThe Archives Department at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee has the two-fold mission of documenting the history of UWM and providing access to primary sources, largely from the metropolitan Milwaukee area, that have long-term research and instructional value for UWM academic programs. We serve as an Area Research Center for the Wisconsin Historical Society, providing access to primary sources from all around the state. |
We Who Feel DifferentlyWe Who Feel Differently is a database documentary that addresses critical issues of contemporary queer culture. Interviews features conversations with fifty queer academicians, activists, artists, radicals, researchers, and others in Colombia, Norway, South Korea and the United States about the histories and development of LGBTIQQ politics in those countries. |
Wearing Gay HistoryWearing Gay History is home to the digitized t-shirt collections of numerous lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender archives across the United States. |
Wellcome LibraryThe Wellcome Library is one of the world's major resources for the study of medical history and offers a growing collection of material relating to contemporary medicine and biomedical science in society. The Wellcome Library is currently developing a world-class online resource for the history of medicine by digitizing a substantial proportion of its holdings and making the content freely available on the web. |
Yale University LibrariesThe Yale University Libraries contain a collection of nearly 15 million print and electronic volumes that are housed in 15 libraries, including Sterling Memorial, Beinecke, and Bass libraries, the Center for Science and Social Science Information (CSSSI), as well as many other school and departmental libraries. Our collections range from ancient papyri and early printed books to digital collections and electronic databases; and they transcend a wide array of formats including text, photographs, video, audio, data, maps, and ephemera. The library includes over 10 special collections units. Two of these units, Beinecke and Manuscripts and Archives, have significant holdings documenting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history. |