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Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
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FTM Newsletter #15
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Apr. 1991 Topics: Bisexuality, Bottom surgery, Crossdressers, FtMs, Gay community, Gender affirming surgery, HIV/AIDS, Hormone therapy (Gender), Lesbians, LGBTQ+ relationships, Medical care, Passing (Gender), Testosterone, Transgender people, Transsexual people Subject: Biography of Jack B. Garland, Brooke Shields, Gay Historical Society, Gender Transient Affinity, Get-Together, Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, Lesbian and Gay Chr. Movement, LKG TenT, Louis Sullivan, Neptune Society Columbarium, Oregon Health Sciences University, Oregon Health Services University, SOS Sexisme, Steve Dain, The Gender Alternative League, The San Francisco Cronicle, Transsexual Seminar Program Description: Issue #15 of FTM International published in April 1991. This issue includes an article about Lou Sullivan's funeral, multiple letters from readers in honor of Lou, and discussions of the cost of ge... -
FTM Newsletter #34
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Green, Jamison Date: May 1996 Topics: FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, MtFs, Packers (Phallus), Testosterone, Transsexual people, Transvestites Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Community United Against Violence (CUAV), FTM Conference, FTM International, Jerry Springer, Jerry Springer Show, Lesbian Avengers, Lou Sullivan, Menace Men, Oregon Health Sciences University, Orlando: A Centennial History, OUT Magazine, Questionnaire, Standards of Care, Steve Dain, Transgender Warriors: A History of Resistance from Joan of Arc to RuPaul, Transgendered Officers Protect and Serve (TOPS), Transsexual Menace, Transsexual News Telegraph, Under the Construction Club, Women's LIberation Description: Issue #34 of FTM International published in May 1996. Includes a story of a particular criminal justice case; an account of successful bottom surgery; responses to a questionnaire; a book review; n... -
FTM Newsletter #9
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Sep. 1989 Topics: Binding (Chest), Crossdressers, FtMs, Passing (Gender), Testosterone, Trans men, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Adam's Word, Americans with Disabilities Act, Billy Tipton Memorial Saxophone Quartet, Chez Mollet Restaurant, Claremont Counseling Center, Emmon, Fair Housing Act, FTM Get-Together, Gay Comix, Gay Freedom Day Parade, Gender Dysphoria Trust, Gender Minority Program, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Human Resources Committee, International Symposium on Gender Dysphoria, Michael Jackson, Partners in Process, Rupert Raj, Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Stonewall Inn, Stonewall Rebellion, The Adam Society Description: Issue #9 of FTM International published in September 1989. Includes several open letters, a recap of the tenth FTM Get-Together, and a trans comic.