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Ariadne Kane
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1991 Fantasia Fair Photos
Collection: Fantasia Fair: Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Fantasia Fair Date: 1991 Topics: Crossdressing, Gender expression, LGBTQ+ events, Transgender people Subject: Ariadne Kane, Betty Ann Lind, Eve Burchert, Fantasia Fair, Fantasia Fair Fashion Show, Fantasia Fair Follies, Jane Peabody, Kerri Reeder, Mariette Pathy Allen, Paula Nielsen, Provincetown Inn, Sandra Cole, Sheila Kirk, Virginia Prince Description: Photographs of attendees from Fantasia Fair 1991. Includes pictures of the Fantasia Fair Follies Talent Show and the Fantasia Fair Fashion Show. -
1994 Fantasia Fair Photos
Collection: Fantasia Fair: Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Fantasia Fair Date: 1994 Topics: Crossdressing, Gender expression, LGBTQ+ events, Transgender people Subject: Abby Saypen, Alison Laing, Angela Ochoa, Ariadne Kane, Barbara Craig, Betty Ann Lind, Boat Slip Resort, Charlene Nokes, Chris Howey, Cindy Pearlman, Crown and Anchor, Dale Benedict, Dallas Denny, Diana Cruz, Elaine Huang, Emily Sheldon, Eve Burchert, Evelyn Shade, Fantasia Fair, Fantasia Fair Fashion Show, Fantasia Fair Follies, Gifford House, Jamie Stowell, Jane Peabody, Janet Green, JoAnn Roberts, Judy Osborne, Kerri Reeder, Laura Caldwell, Linda Watson, Melanie Rudd, Merissa Sherrill Lynn, Nancy Nangeroni, Nappi's Restaurant, Niela Miller, Noami Owen, Phyllis Randolph Frye, Pilgrim House, Provincetown Inn, Provincetown Police, Richard F. Docter, Sandra Cole, Virginia Prince, Wendy Parker, Wesley Avery Description: Photographs of attendees from Fantasia Fair 1994. Includes pictures of the Fantasia Fair Follies Talent Show and Fantasia Fair Fashion Show as well as speeches, a banquet, and awards ceremony. -
1996 Miscellaneous Fantasia Fair Photographs
Collection: Fantasia Fair: Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Fantasia Fair Date: 1996 Topics: Crossdressing, Gender expression, LGBTQ+ events, Transgender people Subject: Alison Laing, Ariadne Kane, Dallas Denny, Mariette Pathy Allen, Nancy Nangeroni, Provincetown Inn, Richard F. Docter, Virginia Prince Description: Assorted photographs of attendees at Fantasia Fair 1996. -
1997 IFGE Queen Mary – April 1997
Collection: Miscellaneous Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Date: Apr. 1997 Topics: Gender identity, Transgender community Subject: Ariadne Kane, IFGE Convention, Jamison Green, Virginia Prince Description: These are a series of photographs taken at the International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE) California Unity Conference in 1997. The conference was located at the Queen Mary Hotel, a former... -
Bagly Ladies 1994 – FF Awards Banquet
Collection: Fantasia Fair: Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Date: 1994 Topics: Gender expression, LGBTQ+ events, Transgender community Subject: Ariadne Kane, Bagly Ladies, Evelyn Shade, Fantasia Fair Description: These are photographs of the Bagly Ladies with Ari Kane at the 1994 Fantasia Fair Awards banquet. -
Eve Burchert VF Award + Bloomington IN MYA + NCSA Indianapolis April 1997 + RR Walk Hallowell to Farmingdale
Collection: Miscellaneous Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Date: 1997 Topics: Androgyny, Crossdressers Subject: Ariadne Kane, Eve Burchert Description: These are photographs that belonged to Ariadne Kane, which include Eve Burchert, locations in Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana. -
Fantasia Fair 15 Photos
Collection: Fantasia Fair: Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Fantasia Fair Date: 1990 Topics: Crossdressing, Gender expression, LGBTQ+ events, Transgender people Subject: Ariadne Kane, Fantasia Fair, Fantasia Fair Follies Description: Photographs from the 15th Annual Fantasia Fair held in 1990. -
Fantasia Fair 1980 Pictorial Review
Collection: Scrapbooks and Albums Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Kane, Ariadne, Owen, Naomi Date: Oct. 1980 Topics: Bathing suits, Beach volleyball, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Femininities, Gender expression, LGBTQ+ awards, LGBTQ+ communities, LGBTQ+ events, Talent shows, Wigs Subject: Ariadne Kane, Betty Ann Lind, Diane Murphy, Fantasia Fair, Fantasia Fair Fashion Show, Fantasia Fair Follies, Jamie Keppler, Lee Wright, Michelle Green, Naomi Owen, Paula Nielsen, Pied Piper, Redken, Roger Peo, Suzanne Sheffield, Winnie Brant Description: Album compiled by Ariadne Kane of photos taken by Naomi Owen at the 1980 Fantasy Fair. In addition to the Fantasy Fair Follies and Fantasy Fair Fashion Show, the photos show participants engaging i... -
Fantasia Fair 1981 Pictorial Review
Collection: Scrapbooks and Albums Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Kane, Ariadne, Allen, Mariette Pathy Date: Oct. 1981 Topics: Bathing suits, Cosmetics, Costume, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Femininities, Gender expression, LGBTQ+ awards, LGBTQ+ communities, LGBTQ+ events, Public worship, Shopping, Talent shows, Wigs Subject: Ariadne Kane, Fantasia Fair, Fantasia Fair Fashion Show, Fantasia Fair Follies, Mariette Pathy Allen, Mary Kay Makeup, Merissa Sherrill Lynn, Naomi Owen, Virginia Prince, Winnie Brant Description: Album compiled by Ariadne Kane of photos taken by Mariette Pathy Allen at the 1981 Fantasy Fair. In addition to the Fantasy Fair Follies and Fantasy Fair Fashion Show, the photos show participants ... -
Fantasia Fair 75 (The First)
Collection: Fantasia Fair: Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Date: Unknown Topics: Gender expression, LGBTQ+ communities, Transgender community Subject: Ariadne Kane, Brandy Alexander, Fantasia Fair, Liz DuBois, Winnie Brant Description: These are photographs from the Fantasia Fair. -
FF ’94 Awards – My Personal Set
Collection: Fantasia Fair: Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Date: 1994 Topics: Gender expression, LGBTQ+ communities, Transgender community Subject: Ariadne Kane, Carrie Reeder, Cindy Pearlman, Dallas Denny, Fantasia Fair, Helen Strong, Richard F. Docter Description: These are Ariadne Kane's photographs from the 1994 Fantasia Fair Awards Banquet featuring Ari Kane, Dallas Denny, Helen Strong, Cindy Pearlman, and others. -
FF '94 Awards Banquet My Set - FF 20
Collection: Fantasia Fair: Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Date: 1994 Topics: Gender expression, LGBTQ+ events, Transgender community Subject: Ariadne Kane, Betty Ann Lind, Fantasia Fair, Helen Strong, Jane Peabody, Laura Caldwell, Sandra Cole Description: These are Ariadne Kane's photographs taken at the 1994 Fantasia Fair Awards Banquet. Many of the photographs feature Ari Kane. -
First International Congress on Sex, Gender, and Crossdressing
Collection: Miscellaneous Photographs Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Creator: Date: 1995 Topics: Crossdressing, Gender expression, LGBTQ+ events, Transgender people Subject: Ariadne Kane, Bill Simon, Bonnie Bullough, Christine Hockberg, Dallas Denny, Holly Devor (now Aaron Devor), International Congress on Sex, Gender, and Crossdressing, James Aloysius, Jamison Green, Jenny Stevens, Kerri Reeder, Loren Cameron, Mariette Pathy Allen, Melanie Rudd, Milton Diamond, Peggy Rudd, Richard F. Docter, Riki Anne Wilchins, Sandra Cole, Vern Bullough, Virginia Prince, Wendy Parker, Yvonne Cook-Riley Description: Photographs of attendees at the first International Congress on Sex, Gender, and Crossdressing held in 1995 in Van Nuys, CA. -
HI GLBT Parade - June 1998
HI Tour with Jane F