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Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
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Erickson Educational Foundation Newsletter, Vol. 10 No. 1 (Spring, 1983)
Collection: Erickson Educational Foundation Publications Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF) Date: Spring 1983 Topics: Gender dysphoria, Gender realignment surgery, Plastic surgery, Psychology, Surgery, Transsexual people, Transsexualism, Voice therapy (Gender) Subject: First International Symposium on Gender Identity, Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic, ONE Institute, ONE, Inc., Paul Walker, Seventh International Symposium on Gender Identity Description: Handwritten notes on page 5. -
Erickson Educational Foundation Newsletter, Vol. 3 No. 1 (Spring, 1970)
Collection: Erickson Educational Foundation Publications Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF) Date: Spring 1970 Topics: Health care, Physicians, Police, Sociology, Transsexual people, Transsexualism Subject: Albany Trust, First International Symposium on Gender Identity, Harry Benjamin, Hooker Report, Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic Description: Handwritten notes and markings on pages 1-4. -
Erickson Educational Foundation Newsletter, Vol. 3 No. 2 (Fall, 1970)
Collection: Erickson Educational Foundation Publications Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF) Date: Autumn 1970 Topics: Anglicanism, Christianity, Gender realignment surgery, Hormone therapy, Law, Presbyterianism, Psychology, Sociology, Transsexual people, Transsexualism Subject: John Money, Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic Description: Handwritten notes and markings on pages 2-4. -
Erickson Educational Foundation Newsletter, Vol. 5 No. 2 (Summer, 1972)
Collection: Erickson Educational Foundation Publications Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF) Date: Summer 1972 Topics: Conferences, Counseling, Crossdressing, Educators, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Health care, Hormone therapy, Hormones, Psychiatry, Psychology, Sociology, Transsexual people, Transsexualism Subject: Marie Mehl, Stanley Krippner -
Erickson Educational Foundation Newsletter, Vol. 6 No. 1 (Spring, 1973)
Collection: Erickson Educational Foundation Publications Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF) Date: Spring 1973 Topics: Conferences, Counseling, Crossdressing, Documentaries, Gender dysphoria, Gender realignment surgery, Health care, Labour, Mental health care for LGBTQ+ people, MtFs, Parents of transgender people, Police, Transsexual people, Transsexualism Subject: Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic, Marie Mehl, Stanford Gender Identity Team, Truman Capote -
Erickson Educational Foundation Newsletter, Vol. 8 No. 1 (Spring, 1975)
Collection: Erickson Educational Foundation Publications Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF) Date: Spring 1975 Topics: Clergy, Conferences, Courts, Gender realignment surgery, Health insurance, Legal status, Transsexual people, Transsexualism, Welfare benefits Subject: Harry Benjamin, John Money, Johns Hopkins Behaviors Consultation Unit, Stanley Krippner -
Erickson Educational Foundation Newsletter, Vol. 9 No. 1 (Summer, 1976)
Collection: Erickson Educational Foundation Publications Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF) Date: Summer 1976 Topics: Courts, Gender realignment surgery, Health care, Hormone therapy, Legal name, Marriage, New age movement, Psychology, Transsexual people, Transsexualism Subject: 5th International Gender Dysphoria Symposium, Alberto Villoldo, Bay Area Conference on Gender Identity, Charles Ihlenfeld, Christine Jorgensen, Harry Benjamin, International Congress on Sexology, Paul Walker Description: Handwritten markings on page 2. -
FTM International #63
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Jun. 2007 Topics: FtMs, Gay pride, Packers (Phallus), Transgender children Subject: Frameline, FTM International, Gender Odyssey, Lou Sullivan, Trans March Description: Issue #63 of FTM International published in June 2007. Includes general news updates from Rabbi Levi Alter, the President of FTM International; the announcements of Pride events; the announcement o... -
FTM International #64
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Green, Jamison Date: Sep. 2007 Topics: Butches, FtMs, Lesbians, Packers (Phallus), Transgender children, Transgender people Subject: Boys Don't Cry, Frameline, Gender Odyssey, Gendercator, GenderPAC, Jamison Green, Lou Sullivan, PlanetOut, Stephan Thorne, The Marrow's Telling, Trans Youth Family Advocates, Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity Description: Issue #64 of FTM International published in September 2007. Includes a summary of the 2007 Gender Odyssey national conference; an explanation of the controversy over the film Gendercator, which was... -
FTM International #65
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Dec. 2007 Topics: Gender dysphoria, LGBTQ+ civil rights, Trans men, Trans women, Transgender identity, Transgender rights Subject: Levi Alter, The Centaur in the Garden, Trans Day of Remembrance, Transition and Beyond: Observations on Gender Identity Description: Issue #65 of FTM International published in December 2007. Includes a letter from the president of FTMI; a letter to readers regarding Trans Day of Remembrance; book reviews; profiles of candidates... -
FTM International #66
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Alter, Levi Ethan Date: Mar. 2008 Topics: LGBTQ+ health education, Trans men, Trans women, Transgender identity, Transgender youth Subject: FTM International, FTMI Youth Initiative, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Description: Issue #66 of FTM International published March 2008. Issue includes a letter from the president of FTMI; a letter to members and readers from editor Alexander Woo about an upcoming conference; anno... -
FTM International #67
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Alter, Levi Ethan, Valerio, Max, Green, Jamison Date: Jun. 2008 Topics: Anti-transgender discrimination, Trans men, Transgender identity, Transgender rights Subject: BBC Radio, Erickson Educational Foundation, Gender Odyssey, Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Subcommittee, Lou Sullivan, Orange County Female to Male (OCFTM), Orange County Transgender Coalition (OCTC), Steven Dain, The Advocate, The Guardian, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Transgender Law Center Description: Issue #67 of FTM International published June 2008. Includes an response by an FTM activist to media coverage of Thomas Beatie; an article detailing the first time openly FTM persons testified befo... -
FTM Newsletter #1
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Sep. 1987 Topics: Bisexual people, Crossdressers, FtMs, LGBTQ+ communities, Transgender community, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people Subject: Archives of Sexual Behavior, Chez Mollet Restaurant, Get-Together, International Gender Dysphoria Symposium, Pope John VIII, She Even Chewed Tabacco, Siena Cathedral, Sun Description: Issue #1 of FTM International published in September 1987. Introduction to the newsletter and mentions of different events for FTMs. -
FTM Newsletter #10
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Dec. 1989 Topics: FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Trans men Subject: Bodyshock, Claremont Counseling Center, FTM Get-Together, Harry Benjamin INternational Gender Dysphoria Association Symposium, Hidden a Gender, Lou Sullivan, Martin Rawlings-Fein, Social Group For TS Parents, T/S Crossing, The Well Known Troublemaker Description: Issue #10 of FTM International published in December 1989. Discusses symposium on surgery, letters from FTM's about surgery, announcements of social groups/upcoming events, a tribute to Michael Dil... -
FTM Newsletter #11
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Mar. 1990 Topics: Androgynous people, Butches, Crossdressers, Drag, Femmes, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Gender dysphoria, HIV/AIDS, Hormone therapy (Gender), MtFs, Transsexual people Subject: A Different Light Bookstore, Alyson Publications, Amelia's Bar, ANDROS, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Billy Idol, Business Week, Casserd Shoes, Charing Cross Hospital Gender Identity Clinic, Christine Jorgensen, Claremont Counseling Center, Dain Chiropractic Clinic, Elvis Presley, Erickson Educational Foundation, Eureka Theatre, European Common Market, European Parliament, Fair Housing Act, First Amendment, FTM Get-Together, Gender Blending: Confronting the Limits of Duality, Gender Worker Award, Gift Center Pavilion, Golden Gate Men's Council, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Harry Benjamin Standards of Care, Hustler, International Symposium on Gender Dysphoria, J2CP Information Services, Janus Information Facility, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Elizabeth, Men's Counseling Guild, Montreal Gender Identity Clinic, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), Nightbreak, Outrageous Leather Gender Bender, Philadelphia Transsexual Support Group, Rambeau, Rupert Raj, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, San Francisco Bay Area Gay and Lesbian Historical Society (SFBAGLHS), Steve Dain, Stouffer Tower Hotel, Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, The Legendary Hollywood Ladies, The Transsexual Voice, The Virgin Machine, Weekly World News Description: Issue #11 of FTM International published in March 1990. Includes reflections on FTM manhood, personals, a report of the 1989 International Symposium on Gender Dysphoria by Rupert Raj-Gauthier, and ...