Digital Transgender Archive
Episode of "In the Life" that originally aired on February 10, 1999. The episode opens with a segment focusing on the increase of AIDS in the African-American community, followed by the Out Actors Speak Out segment with Pamela Sneed, Quentin Crisp and Kate Clinton. The next segment examines bisexuality, and a segment about transgender musicians follows. The episode's A Day in the Life segment profiles gay congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, and the theater spotlight is about the play, Stop Kiss. The final segment covers Irish, Indian and Filipino gay cultural organizations. Quentin Crisp provides this episode's celebrity ID.
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- Identifier
- xg94hp89h
- Collection
Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts
- Institution
UCLA Film and Television Archive
- Creator(s)
In the Life Media
- Contributor(s)
Linton, Katherine
- Publisher
American Public Television
- Date Created
Feb. 10, 1999
- Genre
Motion Pictures
- Subject(s)
Kate Clinton
Pamela Sneed
Quentin Crisp
Stop Kiss
Tammy Baldwin
- Topic(s)
Asian American LGBTQ+ people
Asian LGBTQ+ people
Black LGBTQ+ people
Health care for LGBTQ+ people
LGBTQ+ musicians
Transgender artists
Transgender people
- Resource Type
Moving image
- Language
- Rights
Copyright undetermined
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